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Friday, December 5, 2008


a searing headache, a depressing day at work, and absolutely no plans for a Friday night make up the most toxic cocktail for a bad mood and inane ranting... and now that I'm lounging around on my couch, wearing my brightest PJs to cheer me up (neon green, if you please), I still don't feel too comforted... honestly I have no clue what I'm out to write tonight... there isn't much to say... this is why I have a constant need to talk to someone at all times except when I'm asleep, because if I give enough attention to the arbit thoughts swirling around in my head, I will ACTUALLY go wonky... not over-exaggerating here!

I seriously feel everyone needs a little therapy in their lives, if for nothing else, then to gain perspective... and since we are all such fantastic listeners, the ONLY way we'll actually take someone's advise is if we put in some money to hear it in the first place... 500 rupees an hour isn't too bad to be heard without prejudice, especially if at the end of the hour, someone actually comes back with a little honest truth (whether you like it or not)! I think out of most people I know, I need therapy a little bit more... the question still remains- do I need to be heard... or to listen?

We can always tread the comfortably numb middle-path and say, "neither... it's to start a dialogue"... the dialogue to be had, is NOT with you and the therapist... it's between you and yourself... and that's probably what scares me the most... the murkiness that lurks beneath the surface of my own head!

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