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Friday, October 17, 2008


Wrote this a month ago...ironic how "chaos" is ALSO my blog title and part of the 1st line... doubt it qualifies as a poem... more like frustrated musings on a Friday evening after an awful week with no hope that a resolution will occur anytime soon... work life brings out the best in my pessimistic self... :)


The Atlas of modern day chaos,
Bounces sadistically on my shoulders and laughs,
The weight of the world is now mine to bear
Shrinking with fear and panic, how do I fare?
All corners of the world converge constantly
Squashing me with nowhere to flee
“I’m a fighter, a strong person” I declare to watchers
Arms crossed, they’re entertained by my tortures.
So I writhe in painful misery, thoughts racking for choices
In dreams & nightmares, I hear their threatening voices
“How can you ever make it successfully?” they snigger
Their remarks echo in my head & obstinately linger.
I shake my head and try to think “positive thoughts”
Alas! All I see are numbers, patterns & sickly green blots.
Is this how I will drag on until the end of time?
Not earning a dollar or even a dime?
All my life, did people lie about my skills & intelligence?
Or have I become duller, slower, and more dense?
Should I give myself time to adjust to this weight?
Or perhaps I never WILL possess that mysterious trait,
That which renders others so strong, triumphant & confident
The search for which has my shoulders aching & my head bent.
My mind is still aflutter, indecisive as always
So tired of thinking of a way out, it’s spinning in a daze
There isn’t an end to this poem since life travels on its own orbit too
Doubtlessly, you can’t know what will happen, since I haven’t got a clue!


Cinephile said...

perhaps we found john galt......ha ha ha

~xTc~ said...

hmmm... "who is john galt" ;)))

Cinephile said...

I swear—by my life and my love of it—that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.” John Galt in Atlas Shrugged
..............ha ha ha
Since everyone across the country is repeating the phrase, "Who is John Galt?", it is natural that many people have attempted to answer that question. The phrase becomes an expression of helplessness and despair at the current state of the novel's fictionalised world. Dagny Taggart hears a number of legends of Galt before finding the real John Galt and eventually joining his cause, and learning that all of the stories have an element of truth to them.