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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Month # 1

It's been awhile since I let loose my thoughts on the "blogosphere"... I find it strange to call it that, because to me, the blogosphere represents nothing more than the whiteboard where I can almost-retch out my innermost thoughts, emotions, conflicts and confusions... I don't connect with anyone else here, but my own self...
Nonetheless, to proceed further, it's been some time since I sat down to smash my arbit ideas against the ever-obedient and always-inviting QWERTY keys. My birthday happened sometime in between... and so did my "birthweek"... the birth week is my very own patented way of ensuring that the post-birthday-blues don't hit me at the end of my birthday... therefore, from the eve of my birthday for the next 7 days is my birth week and everyone who is close enough for me to announce this concept to, has to be tolerant of my moods during this period of time... I'm also not allowed (by myself) to feel depressed, miserable or "uncool" :)))). Birthweek was actually developed to provide everyone I know an opportunity to shower me with gifts even if I didn't meet them on my day... this was primarily directed at my parents as they barely got to see me during my days at hostel...
Immediately after my birthweek lapsed and my friends and family breathed a sigh of relief from this draconian norm that I had created and they were unwittingly compelled to adhere to, I left for a weekend trip to Rajasthan... it was the Republic Day weekend, and we ran out of Delhi on Friday (late night since some of us were swimming/struggling in a whirlpool of work), took an overnight sleeper bus to Jaipur... roamed about the city all day and took another overnight sleeper (wayyyy better than the last one since this one had an AC) to Udaipur... we galavanted around the gorgeous lake, the palaces, the museums and restaurants (you can smoke in ALLLL the open air, rooftop restaurants and most of the others too... what a privelege for us smoke-banned delhiites!)... then set out to Delhi again, back to the drudgery of work on Monday night (Republic Day)... went in a luxurious, nearly-palatial Volvo bus with giant berths, a flat screen mini-TV (with the terribly typical rab ne bana di jodi playing in all its ignorant, resplendant glory), night lamp, cellphone charging point and even a shoerack :O... we were spoilt for choice and even bought multiple packets of Lays chips to soak in the last bit of our excessively sensory weekend getaway...
So this is just me trying to briefly document the events of the 1st month of this eventful year... it's been a great start what with the birthweek, the weekend getaway and my gym antics (yes, I've finally convinced myself on the positives of a daily workout routine!)... life is keeping me busy and that just means one thing- no time for too many crazy thoughts....yet!